Join fine-art photographer and mixed-media artist, Brooke Shaden, for a journey of discovery in the desert Southwest July 4-8, 2022. Her workshop focuses on the initial conceptualization and building of an image, then adding more to create a series for greatest impact. Brooke walks participants through the entire process of creating a series, bringing it to completion – including pricing, publishing and exhibition.
Creating new images on a daily basis and editing them into a series fills our workshop days together with Brooke providing inspiration and encouragement. We look at ways to refine and present your uniqueness through your art, and how to stand out using your very specific voice and vision. During the photographing and editing processes, Brooke creates and composites a triptych—as she would submit to galleries—followed by an opportunity to create your own triptych. Participants receive individual and group feedback on their images as they relate to concept, connection to audience, and overall impact.
This very hands-on workshop ensures that you learn to create a cohesive body of work that speaks deeply to a single concept and is ultimately fit for exhibition or publication. Participants learn how to conceptualize, create, edit, and deliver artwork that connects to audiences at a high level.
Workshop sponsored by Sony.
Learn more and register here.