Celebrity wedding photographer Mike Colón will teach a full day workshop in Derry, Ireland to geared toward wedding photographers. This workshop will consist of classroom lectures, group exercises, hands-on technical training, and live shooting demonstrations with models. Business training will be focused on reaching the high-end bride. Technical training will be focused on mirrorless and DSLR camera bodies with a variety of prime & zoom lenses.
If you are a wedding photographer looking to gain new perspective into the high-end wedding photography market, learn new techniques in wedding photography, and have your work critiqued by Mike Colón, this workshop may be a great fit for you. Registration and $495 fee required.
If you are a wedding photographer looking to gain new perspective into the high-end wedding photography market, learn new techniques in wedding photography, and have your work critiqued by Mike Colón, this workshop may be a great fit for you. Registration and $495 fee required.