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Introducing #WhiteWallWednesdayPortraits...A Self-Portrait Photo Challenge For Social Isolation

Alpha Universe is teaming up with Sony Artisan of Imagery Brooke Shaden on a different kind of photo challenge as we all practice social distancing. #WhiteWallWednesdayPortraits challenges you to take a self portrait against a blank wall every Wednesday and see where you can take it from there. Post your images using the hashtag #WhiteWallWednesdayPortraits. We'll be looking for photos to spotlight on Alpha Universe and on @sonyalpha.


This #WhiteWallWednesdayPortraits challenge grew out of a series Brooke Shaden started doing several years ago. "White Wall Wednesday is a challenge to your inner creative," she explains, "shoot with nothing but your blank wall, and see where it goes from there. One of the most powerful jobs an artist has is to bring something out of nothing."

#WhiteWallWednesdayPortraits is a perfect project for social isolation. Ironically, Brooke originally came up with it out of a different kind of self-isolation. "This series was born of necessity," she says. "I used to live in a very small apartment, couldn't afford props, and had such bad social anxiety that I was scared to find locations. Those circumstances lead me to photographing myself against my blank white wall. The result was that I created about 80 images that first year featuring me – you guessed it – against a blank white wall. I then learned how to edit myself off of that wall and into new locations, making the possibilities of what I might create endless. I want that for you, too. No matter your circumstance, or perhaps because of it."


During the course of this challenge, Brooke will be showing her own White Wall Wednesday results and creating videos that walk through her process from initial exposure to post processing to final image. In the videos, she will show how she works with a blank wall, a few props and an unbound imagination to transform the most basic of settings into "something magical." 

If you've never watched her videos before, take a break from Tiger King on Netflix and binge watch her YouTube channel. For some inspiration, watch her original White Wall Wednesday video series here.


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Brooke Shaden's How-To Guide To Self-Portraits, A Creative Outlet As We Practice Social Distancing

Best Full-Frame Primes For Portraits

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