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Me Ra Koh's 7 Tips For Photography In Markets

Sony Artisan Me Ra Koh recently traveled to Rome, Italy with her family where she led a photography workshop shooting the famous Campo Di Fiori open market. Markets being a popular and inviting environment for photographers all over the world, Me Ra decided to share her best tips to capturing the very best shots within this lively environment. 

Tip #1 | Shoot with the Sony 16mm f/2.8 wide-angle lens.  Koh raves about this ever-compact lens as the perfect companion to shooting intimate shots in large busy public spaces. "I love bringing this 16mm lens... it's going to help me stay inconspicuous and get in really tight for beautiful wide shots."

Tip #2 | Find unique points of view.  "I love using Sony's tiltable screen to be able to get down really close, really tight on certain shots... I'm not limited by having to have my eye up to that viewfinder."

Tip #3 | Get to the market early. "If you want to have great shots without having people in your way and having to deal with the crowds... get to the market early for the best shots and the best LIGHT." 

Tip #4 | Interact with the vendors. "This also helps build a dynamic of trust with me taking photos of their stands... at least ask their permission before you take the photos because this is their life's work and they're really proud of it..."

Tip #5 | Purchase something. "I get an amazing treat and they feel great about me taking all these photos."

Tip #6 | Visit your local farmer's market. "Have fun visiting your local farmer's market and practicing all this stuff so that when you do get to go to Europe or Asia or wherever, you know what you want to capture."

Tip #7 | Pick one thing you want to focus on. Me Ra emphasizes the importance of honing in on one single story when you go to a place like the open market to shoot. "There's so much you could take photos of.... You could focus on a local character... you could focus on color, you could focus on shapes, on repetition. Just choose one thing."

 Watch the full video below and visit Me Rah Koh's Adventure Family Channel for more.


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